Friday, March 1, 2013

Well hello there, Third Trimester!

28 weeks and officially into the third trimester! I cannot believe how quickly time is flying by!

Elizabeth is supposedly weighing in around two pounds and around 14 inches in length (we're expecting a long baby). She's reached what they call 'sustainability' at this point, which means that if she were born tomorrow her lungs are developed enough for survival. This is of course encouraging, though I have zero signs of her arriving anytime soon. Studies have also shown that she can recognize voices and even distinguish between Steve and I's. She obviously doesn't know it's her mom and dad's voices yet but knows the difference. Her mom and dad are doing plenty of talking to her :)

Everything I read says that I'm likely experiencing aches and pains and lack of sleep but so far have been fortunate enough to avoid these........for now. I keep telling Steve that I expect to wake up one morning miserable, though it will more likely be waking up in the middle of the night that way! I am experiencing plenty of the weird pregnancy dreams---most of which involve someone attacking me and hiding in the back of my car. It's not fun.

My running is also not so good. I had all hope when getting pregnant to continue running and even got the okay from the doctor---'Keep at it! Just don't do anymore than you did before you were pregnant.' I was so encouraged that I thought it was a good idea to sign up for a relay with a couple girlfriends to keep myself motivated. I clearly didn't think that through! The race is at the end of March and each of us is supposed to run four miles each. Lately, I'm topping out at one mile, ugh. That extra weight sure isn't helping!
Instead, I've been swimming a lot! My friend Bryan has been good accountability and company while we swim. We started out slowly and only doing a half mile when still in my first trimester. Last week, Bryan was busy and I had some extra time in the pool and swam the furthest I ever have---one and one half miles! While discouraged from my running, I'm hoping to keep at it with swimming! I feel better than ever in the pool! Entering my third trimester, I did finally switch to the maternity swimsuit to stop torturing Bryan with seeing my big belly in the bikini, ha.

My biggest adjustment lately has been her crowding my lung capacity! I randomly can't catch my breath as our little girl stretches out in search of more space. Speaking of her stretching for space, this last week we've started to feel her pushing against me. Steve was feeling her kick the other day and asked with a little hesitation, 'What's that lump right here?!' Her foot! It's actually really cool to know and feel her tiny feet as she grows. As she gets bigger and her space runs slimmer, I suspect the lung capacity will shrink even more and pressure from her jabs and kicks will increase :)

My latest craving---Pepsi. It's very odd for me. I've never been a big soda drinker, always opting for Sprite when I did want it. Now, for some odd reason, I get random cravings for fountain Pepsi!

More health updates on my front----I had my glucose test performed mid-month. Funny story---I figured the test was self-explanatory. You drink the sugary drink one hour before the blood testing---easy enough, so I didn't read the one-page directions. Steve decided to read it the night before in case I may have missed something and calls me over to the table. "Honey, this says to avoid all high-sugar foods and carbohydrates for 48 hours before the test." Sure enough, I'd had a random craving for a donut that day followed by Mexican for dinner; not to mention, I was eating a Twizzler as Steve's telling me this....oops! Too late at that point! I figure the point of the test is to be sure your body processes the glucose properly or not so we'll get some real results! If your levels are 130 or above you have to go in for a three-hour follow-up glucose test. Mine came in at 124! Passed by a few tortilla chips!
From the same test, they determined that my iron levels are low. No surprise there. I've always been borderline anemic but at the beginning the prenatal had evened me out. Apparently now that Ellie is growing my imbalance is back so I'll be starting an extra iron supplement to help.
Other than that, our 7 month doctor visit went really well---healthy mom and baby! We go back 2 weeks from now and will then proceed with bimonthly appointments.

Sorry for the long post today. I may have to start posting more regularly. It seems that too much happens over the month's time! Next week is our second baby shower though so you'll be hearing from me again soon...

How far along: 28 weeks
Baby size: eggplant
Current Weight: 148 lbs (23 lbs gain)
Maternity clothes? - sometimes but still wearing regular shirts and my skinny jeans unbuttoned
Sleep? - off and on---still up a couple times for potty breaks
Best moment: baby shower---goodness, our baby is loved!
Miss anything: wine----vinaigrette-based caesar dressing had fulfilled that craving!
Movement? very active; she's started to put pressure on me too we can feel her foot pushing 
Anything makes you queasy or sick: nope
Showing yet? - yes!
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs: no
Wedding rings on/off? -  on
Mood: excited
Looking forward to: our second baby shower next weekend

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