Saturday, March 30, 2013

8 months prego!

8 weeks to go and I'm starting to feel some of the real pregnancy symptoms. The extra weight I've put on is getting to me---not only on the treadmill, which I'm still committed to once a week, but for everyday activities. I put on my socks and tie my shoes on the stairs now to make it easier. Sleeping is more restless as my hips and hands tend to fall asleep and get tingly, and the calf cramps have officially kicked in!

We had another good and typical doctor's appointment. The doctor and I discussed his previous patient's stinky feet and his son recently getting his license. He laughed a few minutes in saying "You know you're having a good and healthy pregnancy when we can talk about these things instead of your health!" He of course always makes me feel more comfortable and secure with the way things are far. Ellie's heartrate was at 135 and my blood pressure is still low (as it usually is). I go back in another two weeks then he says I'll start weekly appointments---crazy!

Ellie's 3-D ultrasound last weekend went great! At first she was pretty shy, especially when the technician wanted to verify she is a she---she kept her hand down covering her area. We were so proud! 

We were also shown how flexible our little lady is! In this picture, you can spot both her hands, an arm and a foot all by her head! It's no wonder I feel so much movement in my belly. She must be doing yoga!

Eventually she moved her hands away and we got some great views of her! We're thinking she has her daddy's upper lip and my bottom lip and we can't decide about the nose but again thinking a combination of us both.

She definitely has her daddy's sense of humor as we got a shot of her sticking her tongue out. 

It was such a great experience for us all! My parents, our brothers and sisters-in-law, nephew and two of our closest friends were able to join us and to see Ellie. Her head has moved downward somewhat, which is of course a good sign. Measurements showed that at the time, compared to other babies in the womb at her fetal age, she was about 3 lbs and her legs measured in at the 85th percentile! We're going to have a very long-legged, beautiful lady on our hands : )

We had maternity pictures today with a friend of ours---love having a friend who does photography on the side and a great job at it! we went to a favorite StL photo-spot, Forest Park where there's lots of options. We started with some shots in the grass then made our way to a few other sites when it started to rain, of course, ha. Thankfully, we were all in good spirits and made our way to the Pavillion. We were able to get in some good shots undercover, and I'm really excited to see how they turn out!

How far along: 32 weeks
Baby size: squash
Current Weight: 154 lbs (29 lbs gain)
Maternity clothes? - switched to maternity jeans but still wearing some 'normal' shirts and sweats
Sleep? - restless
Best moment: 3-D ultrasound---makes me more anxious to see our little girl!
Miss anything: clear skin---crazy hormones!
Movement? active girl...just like her mommy and daddy
Anything makes you queasy or sick: nope
Showing yet? - yes!
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs: no
Wedding rings on/off? -  fingers seem to be swelling some so just planning to stick with the band
Mood: loving being pregnant
Looking forward to: seeing how our maternity pictures turn out!

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