Thursday, July 18, 2013

7 weeks!

I can't believe our girl is already 7 weeks old!

Belated update on Ellie's one-month doctor's checkup---
The pediatrician said she looks great and healthy! She was 9 pounds, 7 ounces and 21 3/4 inches long. She's growing like a weed, and I think only two weeks later, she's already grown more! The doctor mentioned several things we should start noticing soon including smiles and coos (she's already doing both these!). During the exam, Elizabeth rolled up on her side to find her pacifier as well and the pedi was impressed. She mentioned we should keep an eye on her as she may roll over (likely by accident at first) sooner than normally expected. She had her second hep-B shot at this appointment. Unfortunately, the doctor was a little behind and didn't get to the shot until close to Ellie's next feeding, so she was already pretty fussy. As soon as she received the shot, the began to cry...loudly. It broke my heart. Thankfully, they let me use the room to nurse her and calm her down. If I wasn't focused on getting her fed, I would've cried myself! At our next appointment, August 14th, she'll receive two shots. I'm told they're worse and babies tend to be pretty fussy afterward, so Steve will be joining us for that appointment.

Sleeping has been going well still. Two nights ago, we got seven hours straight! I woke up several times just to be sure she was still breathing. I couldn't believe it! We've been averaging about 4-5 at a time on most nights. Mid-morning, I often end up waking her so she doesn't exceed four hours.

We've outgrown our newborn clothes and diapers! We had a day where she pooped out the back of three diapers onto three separate outfits---figured it was time. She's been wearing 0-3 months and some 3 month outfits. She's still not quite filling out her 3 month so I think those outfits will last us a bit but she definitely needs the length!

All in all, she's a wonderfully perfect baby :)

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