I cannot believe our precious Elizabeth is already one week old!
We've been flooded with love and support since Ellie's arrival! Our family and friends seem just as in love with her as we are. I've attached below some photos of her taken this week so you all can see how easy it is to love such a precious baby.
This is the outfit she wore home from the hospital. She's wearing the same bonnet her mommy wore home from the hospital and booties her Uncle Scott gave her from Italy.
Daddy's little lady
Nights were a little rough in the hospital and our first night home. Since, she's been incredible! We've been going to bed around 11/12 most nights as we sit in the evening and stare at the most beautiful sight we've ever seen. I feed her right before bed as it tends to put her to sleep. She typically wakes between 2-3 then again around 5, about the time Steve gets up for work. It works perfectly that I can feed her then he holds and burps her before leaving for work. After he leaves, we nap together until about 8ish when she's ready to eat again!
Last night, she slept for 4.5 hours straight! I woke up several times to be sure she wasn't ready to eat and to be honest, to be sure she was still alive! Yes, I'm one of those psycho moms that needs to check every so often to be sure she's still breathing! I even put her in the rock n' play in the bathroom while I shower and check on her about 50 times while I'm showering.
The only time she really cries is when she's hungry but we're learning her hungry cues pretty well so far. The rest of the time, she's a very happy baby! We are very blessed : )
Breastfeeding--- Since my near-breakdown in the hospital, feedings are going increasingly better. She eats every 3-4 hours. The only issue we're facing now is that she keeps drifting off to sleep when she eats. I try to change her diaper between sides to wake her up some. I was also advised to undress her to her diaper to wake her or even use a cold cloth on her feet or back but this just feels mean. Whatever works I guess! I've been trying to just be patient with her or rub her back and tickle along her neck. Her feedings have been anywhere from a quick 20 minutes to an hour if she falls asleep. My milk is certainly in. I'm full and incredibly sore. I chugging through it and hoping it gets easier. I'm told it's typically about a month to get to that point. Here's hoping!
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