Sunday, May 12, 2013

38 Weeks

Only two weeks until our due date! Two weeks seems like so little time yet I have a feeling it will feel like an eternity until we meet our baby girl. I'm still feeling pretty good, minus the ankles/feet swelling and growing more by the day.

The doctor's appointment went well this week. He says I'm just about 2cm dilated and her head is at a -2 station, so I guess my body is still in the preparation stage. The 'Bump' estimates Ellie could be anywhere from 19-21" and 6-9 lbs and compared to the size of a watermelon! I haven't really noticed any of the early labor signs indicated by websites and friends. Either she's not coming anytime soon or she'll be a complete surprise!

This weekend we were quite busy. On Friday night, we went to the Cards game for a good friend's birthday and had a great time! Ellie was quite startled at the home-run  fireworks but greatly enjoyed her first game with her Cards-fan momma and Cubs fan (boo!) daddy.

Saturday morning was followed with the Girls on the Run 5k with my 'little sister' Layne. I just love coaching those girls throughout the season and they work so hard, there's no way Ellie and I weren't going to get out there with them! Steve is thankfully an amazing running buddy for Layne. He made me promise to walk the entire race and I obliged. I received several encouraging and surprised comments from individuals along the route, impressed that I was out there so far along. I've always been a fast walker but I'll admit, passing people felt almost better than it does when running! I of course had to stop halfway through the race for a potty break, haha---a 5k feels much longer when someone is incessantly headbutting your bladder!

Overall, I'm still feeling pretty great!

How far along: 38 weeks
Baby size: watermelon
Current Weight: 160 (37 lbs gain---he just tells me I'm still in my healthy range!)
Maternity clothes? -still a combo but more maternity than not
Sleep? - tend to be wide awake for my bathroom breaks but still fall right back to sleep
Best moment: hearing how excited Steve is to meet his daughter :)
Miss anything: could really go for a glass of Pinot...
Movement? still very active but more pushing than kicking
Anything makes you queasy or sick: thoughts of an episiotomy 
Showing yet? - no denying pregnancy these days!
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs: I think I had one very minor one but mostly just the Hicks at night
Wedding rings on/off? -  stowed away just in case
Mood: loving being pregnant
Looking forward to: meeting our baby girl :)

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