Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!

Well, apparently Miss Ellie didn't want to enjoy the holiday weekend with her mom and dad : (
On a positive note though, Steve and I were able to enjoy our last weekend together with lots of dates and productivity! I think we may have gone on more dates this last weekend than in the last couple months! We saw two movies we've been wanting to see--- Fast and Furious 6 (worth seeing!) and Hangover 3 (not their best--> worth waiting for the rental) and had a couple dinner dates. We also were able to do some packing, laundry, cleaning, yard work and even buy some patio furniture for our new home! I think Steve was partly nervous to be too far away from me (or the hospital) but more than that, we're enjoying our final days as just us. We're anxiously awaiting our little girl's arrival but have also loved the last almost three years of marriage and last almost 7 years of being together. It will be such a joy to begin this new adventure in our life together so soon!
I've experienced more mild contractions and plenty of cramping this weekend but still no serious signs of labor, so we're basically counting on the induction Wednesday. I'm schedule for 7:30 but only God knows what time that means Ellie will actually arrive. We're prayful for a smooth and quick labor and delivery and more so for a healthy, beautiful baby girl.
Patience is certainly not my strong suit and the wait has not been easy thus far. My emotions have been a little more intensified these last few days as loving friends and family ask about my progression (or lack of!) and their excitement to meet baby Ellie. I've had a few tears fall over the most random moments as my emotions tug me in different directions. I'm thankful for such a loving and supportive husband now more than ever. He has been so patient with me and is incredibly calm about it just not yet being our little girl's time to arrive. Though I know he's anxious as well and nervous about what the time in the hospital will be like, he's always my rock. I will be so grateful to have him at my side during labor and delivery!
For friends and family who follow my blog, we will attempt to notify you all as soon as we are able after Ellie's arrival! We intend to spend time at the hospital afterward with family and close friends. When we've returned home, we welcome our family and friends to visit and meet her! We do ask for a call or message as a heads up to avoid waking our sleeping beauty though : ) Not only are we excited to meet Elizabeth in the next few days but we cannot wait for her to meet all the wonderful individuals we are blessed to have in our life!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Where's Ellie?!

Well, it's official. Miss Ellie is not only stubborn like her daddy but late like her mommy! Today is the day predicted to meet our little bundle of joy and she has decided she's too comfy in my tummy.

Yesterday at the gym, I had a lady ask me if I was pregnant with twins. I think that's a sign that I look like I'm about to pop! When I told her no and that I was due today, she changed her tune and was quite surprised by not only my size but that I was still at the gym, haha. I found it quite funny to be honest. My entire pregnancy I've had people telling me how small I am. This was a first! Today made up for it some. I typically swim Tuesdays/Thursdays during an aqua-aerobics class so the same ladies twice a week who are super sweet and have often commented on my belly and constant lap-swimming. I told them that I was due and received lots of gasps, surprised remarks that I was at the gym and even two retired nurses who volunteered to stay on stand-by just in case! I also told one of them about the woman who thought I was having twins and she said that lady must've been crazy, haha. When I left, they all wished me luck and said they hoped I'd be missing on Tuesday because I had a baby to hold. So sweet :)
As far as being at the gym, what else am I supposed to do?! I want her to get here! I may as well take advantage of the energy I have and encourage her arrival!

We're still hoping for a Memorial weekend baby and to beat the need for induction. A lot can certainly happen in not only a few days but even a few hours. We shall see...

How far along: 40 weeks
Baby size: jackfruit
Current Weight: 162 (39 lbs gain)
Maternity clothes? - still a combo but more maternity than not
Sleep? - restless and waking up early ---thinking my body is getting ready!
Best moment: knowing she could be here any day!
Miss anything: a good run and a glass of wine
Movement? looks like she's swimming laps with all her movements!
Anything makes you queasy or sick: thinking about labor 
Showing yet? - a lady asked me yesterday if I was having twins...
Gender: late little GIRL
Labor signs: having minor contractions and apparently ones I don't notice!
Wedding rings on/off? -  ready to put these back on...
Mood: ready.
Looking forward to: meeting our baby girl :)

House update--- We have cabinets, an unfinished fireplace and a good start on the trim now! I LOVE our cabinets and cannot wait to cook in the kitchen! It's incredible what a transformation these items make to our home! 
The completion date has been pushed back about a week now, thinking June 7th. We're actually thinking this is a good thing. Whether Ellie arrives this weekend or next week when I'm induced, we're thinking we'll want the extra time with her. We began the packing process some time ago but still have plenty remaining. Possibly having to complete packing the rest of our home in the same week we bring home our little girl, in addition to house guests may be a little overwhelming. Now we have some time to do so gradually and still hope for good family and friends to come help!

Must include a picture of our beautiful kitchen so far...

We were able to get in the house tonight and tape off Ellie's nursery for the stripes I want. As an engineer and employee of a painting company, daddy is just as anal about having straight stripes as I, so we had a great date night with the tape, pencil and a level! As long as she doesn't make a full-moon arrival tomorrow, we're hoping to paint the stripes as our Friday night date.

I'm kind of hoping tonight was the last opportunity to see our home before our little girl gets here. Either way, we're super excited to raise our little girl in our new home!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Any day now...

We had a good doctor's appointment today. Everything is looking healthy as usual and we're only two days away from Ellie's due date!

From the exam, we learned that I'm still only about 2 cm dilated, almost a 3 but her head is engaged and has nowhere to go but out! Last night, I was experiencing a lot of cramping. It was extremely uncomfortable and not easing up with movement. It felt like a combination of menstrual cramps and needing to make a bowel movement. I figured I just needed to use the restroom but Steve was a little worried so we called the doctor on call to be sure nothing was wrong. After talking with him, he determined that I was likely having mild contractions and if they intensified to head in. They did ultimately subside though. This morning, I spoke with our doctor about them and while explaining how I felt, he had his hand on my belly. When I finished, he informed me that they were in fact contractions, I'd likely been having them for awhile and that I had just experienced one at that moment. He said it's possible I haven't noticed them much due to my high activity level. Crazy!

He also mentioned that I'd lost my mucous plug already but that loss of that is often overrated. I had no idea I'd lost it! My sister-in-law had lost hers at 34 weeks and still had a scheduled c-section at 39 weeks so again, overrated.

I'm now scheduled for an induction next Wednesday the 29th, roughly a week after my due date. Initially we'd discussed the 30th so I tried to convince him to induce me earlier---primarily because I'm so anxious to meet her but also I will need to complete payroll around the 5th and would love to have as much time with her and to rest before doing so. I was honest with him about the payroll issue so he responded with honesty as well---he's off duty on the 30th and would like to keep it that way, ha! He did say that inducing too early could cause complications and lead to a c-section, which we'd both like to avoid. Even after scheduling the induction, he told me he believes I'll go before then. As is the case with any pregnancy, I could go into labor in an hour or next week. There's of course no way of determining for sure when she'll be born but we're all hopeful she makes her arrival soon!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

We're ready for you, Miss Ellie!

39 weeks and ready to meet our little girl! We had a good doctor's appointment again this week. I'm still only 2cm dilated but instead of saying "I'll see you next week at your appointment", he said "I may see you this weekend or I'll see you at your appointment next week." I have a feeling I'll be seeing him at our appointment but it's encouraging that he thinks her arrival soon is possible! I was also comforted by feeling like a priority. He's not on duty this weekend but gave me a note for the hospital indicating to call him before the doctor on duty. We obviously would much rather have the doctor we've spent the last nine-ish months seeing deliver Ellie than the doctor on duty.
I still haven't noticed any of the early labor signs people keep asking me about but from what I'm also told, that could still mean as little as how dilated I am. Just like every pregnancy is different, every labor is too! Thankfully, I've been blessed with a great pregnancy thus far and am not incredibly uncomfortable like so many of my friends say they are. For that reason, I'm not ready for her to be here to end the misery. I am getting more anxious by the day though simply so we can hold our baby girl! Not only her mom and dad but so many family and friends who love her already are waiting to meet her and ready for her arrival! Come on, Ellie!
Yesterday, I spent a lot of time cleaning out my office space, cleaning our bathrooms and working on yet another box to take to Goodwill. I think this must be my form of nesting! I'm still not on my hands and knees cleaning the baseboards (mainly because at this point it's too uncomfortable to get down there and back up!).  I'm busy making sure we have enough freezer meals for dinners, backup toilet paper and a good start on packing! I'm sure if I had a nursery to work on, that's where I'd be spending my time!

I've been reading up on breastfeeding now that I'm close. I was given the book "Milk Diaries" and am enjoying it so far. It's basically a woman talking about her experiences (three breastfed babies) and including stories and suggestions from other breastfeeding moms. It's helpful to have input as I'm basically going into it blindly. I'm also thankful to have a good friend (mom of two, youngest still being breastfed) to go to for advice as needed. My biggest suggestion to pregnant women is to find a friend or even make a friend who you will essentially have no filter or boundaries when it comes to pregnancy/baby talk! There's too much we experience that some can be embarrassed to discuss.  We really need the information and to know we're not the only one though! Speaking of reading and the stuff not generally discussed, "The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" was also recommended to me and turned out to be a good read about topics the doctor doesn't usually bring up (especially if your doctor is male!).

House update--- Speaking of packing, they're still rockin' and rollin' on our house! They have our tile down, light fixtures in and about half the wood flooring (supposed to finish that tomorrow). Next week, they will start on the cabinets and ultimately the countertops, trim etc. As has always been the plan, once Ellie gets here, we'll likely be moving one/two weeks after! I'm really excited to get in the house and put Ellie's nursery together! To any of you who will be visiting, don't be surprised if her room is the only one decorated for awhile : )

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Almost a Mother's Day...

I had a great almost a Mother's Day today! I woke up this morning and Steve had made me a delicious breakfast---chocolate chip, strawberry pancakes (the biggest pancakes I've ever seen at that!) with turkey bacon and fruit---yum!
We then saw our precious godson/nephew be dedicated at church which is a true blessing. We hope we are able to help him grow into a strong man of God. 
We had lunch with my amazing mom and dad today as well. I have been truly blessed with an incredible mother who has not only provided a great example of what a mom should be but also lucky to consider her one of my best friends. My mom is dependable, strong, confident and a woman of great faith. I hope that my little Ellie will love and respect me as I do my own mom.
On that note, I must give my wonderful mother-in-law a shout-out as I've also been blessed with her in my life. We have such a great relationship (which I'm learning is apparently a rare occurrence!).  Not only is she compassionate and dependable but she raised the man of my dreams and I am eternally grateful to her.
Our Ellie is going to have the two greatest grandma's there are!

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms and moms-to-be out there, whether it be today or any other day of the year. I'm reminded everyday by little kicks and jabs what a precious gift it is to be a mom and what a miracle each child of God is. I cannot wait to meet our little girl and work each day to be the best mom for her.


House update--- The drywall is complete and the entire house has been painted! It's amazing what a difference solid walls and a coat of paint can make to a home. Tomorrow they will begin on the flooring and continue with the fast progression of our future home. It's still on schedule to be completed on the 30th so depending on when Miss Ellie decides to arrive, we may or may not be moving in Memorial Day weekend!

38 Weeks

Only two weeks until our due date! Two weeks seems like so little time yet I have a feeling it will feel like an eternity until we meet our baby girl. I'm still feeling pretty good, minus the ankles/feet swelling and growing more by the day.

The doctor's appointment went well this week. He says I'm just about 2cm dilated and her head is at a -2 station, so I guess my body is still in the preparation stage. The 'Bump' estimates Ellie could be anywhere from 19-21" and 6-9 lbs and compared to the size of a watermelon! I haven't really noticed any of the early labor signs indicated by websites and friends. Either she's not coming anytime soon or she'll be a complete surprise!

This weekend we were quite busy. On Friday night, we went to the Cards game for a good friend's birthday and had a great time! Ellie was quite startled at the home-run  fireworks but greatly enjoyed her first game with her Cards-fan momma and Cubs fan (boo!) daddy.

Saturday morning was followed with the Girls on the Run 5k with my 'little sister' Layne. I just love coaching those girls throughout the season and they work so hard, there's no way Ellie and I weren't going to get out there with them! Steve is thankfully an amazing running buddy for Layne. He made me promise to walk the entire race and I obliged. I received several encouraging and surprised comments from individuals along the route, impressed that I was out there so far along. I've always been a fast walker but I'll admit, passing people felt almost better than it does when running! I of course had to stop halfway through the race for a potty break, haha---a 5k feels much longer when someone is incessantly headbutting your bladder!

Overall, I'm still feeling pretty great!

How far along: 38 weeks
Baby size: watermelon
Current Weight: 160 (37 lbs gain---he just tells me I'm still in my healthy range!)
Maternity clothes? -still a combo but more maternity than not
Sleep? - tend to be wide awake for my bathroom breaks but still fall right back to sleep
Best moment: hearing how excited Steve is to meet his daughter :)
Miss anything: could really go for a glass of Pinot...
Movement? still very active but more pushing than kicking
Anything makes you queasy or sick: thoughts of an episiotomy 
Showing yet? - no denying pregnancy these days!
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs: I think I had one very minor one but mostly just the Hicks at night
Wedding rings on/off? -  stowed away just in case
Mood: loving being pregnant
Looking forward to: meeting our baby girl :)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

37 Weeks

37 weeks and continuing to grow! Ellie is fully developed now and is said to just be putting on weight---about 1/2 lb per week! She's making her mommy more and more uncomfortable as I continue to grow!

Doctor's visit--- no progress from week 36. I'm still only 1 cm dilated. All my vitals are good and no weight change this week. 

We were able to find a labor class (to make up for the canceled one we were supposed to have!) on Thursday evening. We're pretty thankful we went. Although people kept telling us it wasn't necessarily vital and we had accepted 'winging it', in my book, it's never a bad thing to be prepared. We learned a lot more about the labor/delivery details that we hadn't already read and also got a tour of the maternity ward. The instructor is a nurse in the ward and very nice and informative. She even gave us her personal cell number in case we have more questions that come up! I think everyone feels badly for how the class cancellation worked out for us. Speaking of, the office attendant I'd spoken to about the ordeal is issuing us a refund because she's so frustrated with how it made them look---woo! Glad I didn't let that stress me out at all; it turned out pretty well.

I officially gave up running this week : (  We had our Girls on the Run practice 5k on Monday. I ran just little bits (only about 1/2 mile of it total) then walked the rest. toward the end, I was cramping and my feet were incredibly swollen after. I hear Ellie loud and clear! We do have the actual 5k this coming weekend though and I hope to walk it with the girls. They've worked so hard this season that I can't imagine not at least walking it with them to show them how proud I am!

My belly just seems to keep growing....

We found out this week that the house is scheduled to be completed May 30th. It's very exciting news! If I don't go on my own and have to be induced (which would be the 30th), it could signal a very busy weekend! We'd be thankful for a holiday weekend!


I must also mention the excitement of our weekend---celebrating baby Hudson and his beautiful momma's baby shower! Ellie and Hudson are bound to be besties just like their mommas. I'm so thrilled for that little miracle and had such a wonderful time helping plan the shower.