Saturday, April 13, 2013

6 weeks to go!

We're 34 weeks pregnant and baby girl is starting to drop! I not only notice my belly growing by the day but getting a little lower (the regular jeans are out!) and more pressure on my bladder (so sweet of her). This week, Elizabeth can be compared to the size of a butternut squash nearing about 4.5 lbs and up to 18 inches long, which makes sense since I feel her kicks on my far right side and up near my ribs and her fist on the far left side. That whole 87th percentile in leg length must be true! She can apparently hear lullabies and stories now too that may help soothe her after birth so hopefully their 'predictions' are true---from what I hear soothing a baby can sometimes be a challenge. She already loves hearing her daddy read to her at night! She's very active when she hears his voice : )

My ankles are swelling and it occurred to me why this week---aside from just being pregnant that is! Years ago, before I started running more and got into shape, I had some ankle problems. I visited a doctor and he told me I have what they call ligament laxitus, which I honestly thought he made up. Essentially, my ankle ligaments couldn't support my weight. During that next year, I started running more, lost some weight and had thought I strengthened my ankles -- > no serious issues since. Now I'm 30 lbs heavier and having ankle issues again. I'm pretty sure I'm at a point where my weak ankles literally cannot handle the extra weight! Crazy. This is really my first big pregnancy symptom so as I told Steve, if I only have 6 weeks/2-ish months of symptoms, I'll take it! It's looking like a lot less treadmill time and more pool!

How far along: 34 weeks
Baby size: butternut squash
Current Weight: 
Maternity clothes? - still a mix but all maternity pants
Sleep? - more anxious, less comfortable
Best moment: Ellie's cousin Jax being born and her cousin Landyn beginning to walk
Miss anything: could really go for a glass of wine
Movement? very active! I think she's doing yoga in there!
Anything makes you queasy or sick: Chinese food
Showing yet? - yes!
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs: no
Wedding rings on/off? -  to be safe, I've stowed them away :(
Mood: loving being pregnant
Looking forward to: seeing how our maternity pictures turn out!

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