Last weekend we were very productive! We completed our hospital registration, insurance and cord blood donation forms, worked on the hospital bag, finished washing Ellie's clothes/blankets and put together the rock n' play and bouncer. We especially wanted these two items put in place so Bailey can start getting used to them and have a chance to smell them before she's in either.
Hospital bags are packed and in the car at this point! Some tips others have given me to include in the bag that might help others: extra clothes for me in case they get ruined, a pillow for Steve, change for the vending machine/quick snacks, extra space in bag for items from the hospital, and large underwear for after delivery to fit padding and ice packs (as if you're not already excited for delivery). We also made sure to put the boppy in the car just in case we decide to use it. This was very helpful when our nephew Landyn was born. Visitors could use it to help hold him and for Lauren with nursing. We may want one less thing to carry but have it just in case.
Most recent doctor's appointment update---I went last Friday for the first of my weekly appointments. He says I'm about 50% effaced and was 1 cm dilated. He could feel her head below my protruding belly button and says it seems my body is doing its part to prepare for labor! I go again on Monday and it will be interesting to see if I've progressed at all!
Turns out I tested positive for Group B Strep---an infection that about 1 in 3 women have. I mention this to you all in case you have it. We were a little worried when first finding out but have since discovered that several of our friends also had it with no resulting problems. The infection, if not treated, could result in meningitis, pneumonia or even stillbirth. At least four hours before delivery, the hospital will administer an antibiotic via IV for me to help prevent passing it on.
Stressor of the week---our labor class, which was scheduled for Saturday got canceled last minute. Apparently the instructor had a scheduling conflict and decided to call last minute about the possibility of rescheduling. After several calls to the hospital and a lot of frustration from myself and their staff (encouraging that they're on my side!), I found out they did in fact reschedule for May 11th---a day that 3 other couples cannot attend and I will not only be 38 weeks pregnant (if Ellie doesn't make an early entrance!) but also have my Girls on the Run 5k. While the class is obviously more important, the 5k is a commitment I previously made and all season our girls have worked very hard toward this and I don't want to miss it. What can I do I guess??? I'm hopeful for helpful nurses and some good research in the meantime to help me wing it!
How far along: 36 weeks
Baby size: honeydew
Current Weight: 160 (35 lbs gain---he just tells me to keep at it!)
Maternity clothes? - combination but more maternity than not
Sleep? - uncomfortable
Best moment: not only feeling but seeing tiny feet protrude :)
Miss anything: normal skin...I feel like a teenager with these breakouts!
Movement? I heard the movement slows toward the end...Ellie's still VERY active.
Anything makes you queasy or sick: thinking about labor
Showing yet? - I was told this week that I look like I'm about to pop---that's a first!
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs: I think I'm having practice contractions
Wedding rings on/off? - to be safe, I've stowed them away :(
Mood: loving being pregnant
Looking forward to: meeting our baby girl :)