Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hellooo bump!

We're officially six months pregnant and officially have a baby bump! I'm loving actually looking pregnant now (though I'm sure I'll regret saying so in a couple months when I'm miserable huge)! Steve teased me this morning when I got ready for church and put a skinny belt above my bump. He asked, "Are you wearing that just so your stomach is more obvious?" Well, duh! :)

We picked up our crib and dresser yesterday, which is very exciting, even though we're still not sure where we'll be setting it up. Either way, it's a huge step in preparing our little girl's nursery.

I saw the nurse practitioner last week and she says everything still is going great! Elizabeth has a healthy heart-rate---she was moving around some during the doppler check and it was really neat to hear her do so. She's an active girl! I was finally up a substantial amount of weight, which surprised the doc but she was happy with it---even increased my desired weight gain! If they only knew that all that weight was over a two week time and not the entire month! That weight and this hunger came out of nowhere!

Steve says Ellie is coming out grounded and in debt. She still is pretty stubborn about him feeling her kick. I'll put his hand where she kicks and he leaves it there for several minutes without any movement. Typically the moment he moves his hand away, she kicks again. I find it entertaining. Steve, not so much. Someone told him recently that she may be comforted by his hand on my stomach and that's why she's calm. I think it made him feel a little better :)

Next weekend I have my glucose tolerance test. I'm told it's not fun and the drink it gross. Either way, to me, it just means more blood being drawn---not my favorite activity. So far the blood testing has gone well but since I typically pass out giving blood, Steve gets to take me. It's really sweet how protective he has become of me in the last several months.

In about two weeks we have our first baby shower in Charleston and I'm very excited to share such an exciting day with my sister-in-law Stephanie!

How far along: 24 weeks
Baby size: cantaloupe
Current Weight: 140 lbs (17 lbs gain)
Maternity clothes? - officially can't button them so started with the 'belly band' and liking it
Sleep? - off and on---still up a couple times for potty breaks
Best moment: picking up our furniture
Miss anything: caesar salad still and wine
Movement? active girl! LOVE feeling her kick! 
Anything makes you queasy or sick: nope
Showing yet? - yes!
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs: no
Wedding rings on/off? -  on
Mood: excited
Looking forward to: Charleston baby shower next weekend

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