Sunday, December 30, 2012


Finally that time! We had our monthly appointment (19 weeks) on Friday---healthy heart-rate and everything looking great. We followed it with our halfway ultrasound to determine if Baby Z is a boy or girl! I cannot tell you how anxious we were to find out. We didn't have a preference one way or another but just a 'feeling'. The weeks leading up the the appointment were filled with guessing from family and friends. I had always loved the idea of a gender reveal with family and friends so we decided to take those guesses and have some fun with it!
We decided on the cake reveal for our family and closest friends. If the inside of the cake was pink- girl, blue- boy. Our intention was to be surprised with everyone at the party. As soon as the ultrasound tech asked 'Do you want to know?', I quickly responded that we did! We were too excited to wait! let me tell was the longest 24 hours until we revealed and painful to deny that we did in fact know from those who know us best (especially since I'm a terrible liar!). The party was simple---cake, cookies and punch---all in pink and blue of course!

Steve wanted to add a little extra fun to the growing anticipation, so he cut the bottom layer first, revealing.......white cake! We would be having a white baby! Then came the good stuff; the real deal; the big reveal! We sliced the top layer and revealed a baby pink colored cake sharing with our family and friends that we'd be expecting a baby GIRL!!!

As if the day wasn't exciting enough, we also revealed another surprise---that we'd decided on a name for our little girl. For months, we'd been asked and hadn't yet decided so no one expected us to have one at the party, making it more exciting to share! Elizabeth Leigh Ziebka- Ellie for short- will be joining us in May!

The name we chose comes with a very great story as well---we had finally decided on it only a week or two ago but had chosen not to share just yet. When the ultrasound tech asked if we'd chosen a name, I only replied that we had a few in mind. She decided to name the little baby on the screen herself based on what struck her about 'the adorable little one'. She happened to think our little girl looked like an Elizabeth. I was shocked and had to have her repeat what she'd said! I looked at Steve and just said 'It's a sign. That's our baby's name.' Meant to be!

We're overjoyed about our baby Ellie and so thankful for our family and friends that joined us at the reveal! Ellie is so loved!

On a different note, Ellie (so nice to stop saying 'it' or 'the baby' or 'baby z') started kicking a little over two weeks ago! It was very subtle at first and I barely noticed but over the last week, she's been more active or the kicks get stronger all the time! I kept hearing that her kicks would feel like gas bubbles or butterflies but of course, I'd compare it to a workout---when I have an intense workout and my heart feels like it will beat out of my chest; the kicks to me feel like one strong intense heart-beat, in my stomach of course. She's either more active when I'm lying down/resting or that's just when I notice so far. Hopefully in the next few weeks, she'll get more active and stronger so her daddy can feel her moving!

Finally, I'll share two really great pictures from our ultrasound...

the first is a great picture of our baby's full body. All measurements came in close to 20 weeks (a week ahead) so we're told she's developing well and the tech said she looks strong and healthy!

Daddy's little girl---the second is Steve's favorite! Little Ellie flexed her muscles for us!

Just about halfway there and the excitement of Ellie is just beginning....

Sunday, December 9, 2012


16 weeks and counting! We had another great doctor's appointment for four months---healthy heart-rate and everything looking good. Good news this month too---up to 5 lbs weight gain! After being told I 'need to gain more weight' I was happy to have an appointment following Thanksgiving. Of course now I'm just feeling bloated and not so pregnant:

My appetite is back and the nausea has gone from all day, everyday to only when I'm hungry. Eating snacks every few hours has helped with that. This baby is still a health nut though, wanting mostly salads, fruits and veggies and making me feel pretty crummy after too much sugar. I'd love to enjoy some ice cream but the baby has removed that craving altogether! Steve has begun to have his own 'pregnancy symptoms' whilst craving pasta constantly and complaining of sore muscles and troubled sleep. Who's pregnant here :)

Absolutely exciting moment of this week---scheduled our 5 month ultrasound to find out the gender of Baby Z! We have an ultrasound scheduled for the 28th this month and planning to reveal to family and friends on the 29th! We're undecided on when/if Steve and I will find out before or wait until the cake reveal with everyone else. (Before we were even pregnant I loved the idea of cutting a cake to reveal a pink or blue interior as a reveal to family and friends.) We're both very anxious to find out but both know I'll struggle to keep my mouth shut. We're not leaning one way or another, by preference or intuition, but will be thrilled with a healthy baby of either gender. One thing's for sure though---either a Bears jersey or cheerleading uniform :)

How far along: 16 weeks
Baby size: avocado
Current Weight: 129 lbs
Maternity clothes? - not yet but leggings are definitely more comfortable :)
Sleep? - restless
Best moment: everytime we hear the heartbeat, it's amazing!
Miss anything: caesar salad
Movement? not yet but I'm told it should be soon
Anything makes you queasy or sick: red meat still but craving a burger
Showing yet? - looking bloated
Gender: ultrasound scheduled for the 28th!
Labor signs: no
Wedding rings on/off? -  on
Mood: loving being pregnant
Looking forward to: finding out if Baby Z with be our daughter or son J

Baby Z received its first Christmas presents this week:

Buddy the Elf onesie from Eileen---which will go nicely with Steve and I's Christmas tradition each year----the day after Thanksgiving we put up the tree and Christmas decorations while watching Elf!

Sophie the Giraffe came from Shane and Allie---said to be the best teether out there so hopeful to ease some crabbiness later!

Baby Z is already so loved by many! We're blessed to have so many incredible family and friends supporting us now. Knowing our baby will be surrounded with that same love and support means the world to us!